Saturday 18 October 2014

'Porthleven 19'

'Porthleven 19'      100x70cms

My latest painting was made during the recent workshop in Porthleven. It was a demonstration painting but I had some sneaky late night and early morning sessions. The week was fantastic, with storms and surging seas, a full moon and extreme high tides.  The fishing fleet stayed behind the barrier all week. There was a magical relationship between the white disc of the moon and the white face of the clock in the tower, which I may have to paint.  I'm very fond of this piece- it's good to be painting again.


  1. Ashley, I love this painting. I wish I had been there to watch it evolve but perhaps sometime I may get the chance to participate in one of your workshops. All best wishes from Fiona

  2. Hi Fiona, glad you like the painting, hope it captures what Porthleven is/was: mad seas/safe haven.
    Got a course coming up in Canterbury in December which may interest you: 'The space between...'
    The Discerning Eye soon, would you like to go to the PV?
